Our Ayurveda detox is an extremely popular program, and probably the consultation we’re most famous for. It is a whole body top-to-toe detox treatment which is designed to completely cleanse and re-balance the body, strengthen the immune system, and accelerate the healing of a wide range of health problems, including skin conditions, liver conditions, diabetic conditions, and arthritic conditions. Other health problems like bowel disorders and mental disorders can be relieved by the detox too.
An Ayurveda detox has three parts, each tailored to your own specific needs according to your dosha type and your natural constitution (prakriti.) First, I’ll begin by ‘unsticking’ the toxins that are blocking your cells and the channels inside your body; secondly, I’ll cleanse your body by directing those toxins into specific organs from where they can be safely eliminated (the colon for vata dosha, small intestine for pitta dosha, and lungs for kapha dosha.) Finally, I’ll invigorate, tone and strengthen your body with a herbal colonic.
Depending upon your requirements, you can select either a 7-day, 14-day, or 21-day detox. In all cases, you will visit the clinic 3-4 hours each day to undergo a variety of deep cleansing treatments including Ayurvedic body massage, Ayurvedic head and scalp oil message to destress the central nervous system, and colonics that will purge all the toxins from your system. Afterwards, we’ll apply a second colonic containing a specially formulated herbal concoction that will fortify your internal organs, open your body’s energetic pathways to promote continued healing, and make your immunity more powerful.
At the end of your detox, I will design a diet and lifestyle program for you that will maintain your post-detox conditioning and continue the rejuvenation of your body, mind, and spirit.